MID – Measuring Instruments Directive

Find out how the Measuring Instruments Directive helps to standardise legal metrology across all EU member states

What does "MID" mean?

The abbreviation MID stands for "Measuring Instruments Directive".

The Measuring Instruments Directive is a directive by the European Union (EU) which aims to standardise legal metrology across all EU member states/countries.

The MID covers many measurement instruments including:

  • Water meters
  • Electricity meters
  • Gas Meters

MID Markings

Instruments that comply with the MID bear:

  • The CE Mark
  • A capital letter M and the last two digits of the year of its affixing, surrounded by a rectangle
  • The identification number of the notified body involved in conformity assessment
MID Markings Explained

MID Markings Explained

You can find out more about MID here https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/european-standards/harmonised-standards/measuring-instruments_en

Meter Market supply a large range of MID certified products.

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