Honeywell (Elster) A1700 MID 5A CT Connected Smart Meter (UK504-014)
£354.00 inc. VAT
£330.00 inc. VAT
Iskraemeco's next generation AM550 three phase smart meter, with an innovative platform approach enables seamless integration of next generation smart metering functions into the smart grid. It is optimized for smart residential and mid-size commercial environments.
The MT 382 display will auto-scroll to show the required readings. Normally this will only be 1.8.0 Positive Kwh (A+).
The BLUE button can be used to manually scroll through additional readings for information and diagnostic purposes.
The OBIS code appears in the left of the display and the relevant reading on the right.
Auto scroll has the following OBIS codes:
1.8.0 A+ Positive active Energy (Kwh)
Manual Scroll is access by pressing the BLUE button sequentially.
Each press of the BLUE button will scroll to the next reading which is identified by the OBIS code (shown below).
C.1.0 Manufacturing Number
U.20.0 GSM Signal Strength
U.20.1 GSM Status
0.9.1 Time of day
0.9.2 Date
1.8.0 A+ Positive active energy, total
2.8.0 A- Negative active energy, total
1.7.0 A+ instantaneous power (W)
31.7.0 Instantaneous current in phase L1 (A)
51.7.0 Instantaneous current in phase L2 (A)
71.7.0 Instantaneous current in phase L3 (A)
32.7.0 Instantaneous voltage (U) in phase L1
52.7.0 Instantaneous voltage (U) in phase L2
72.7.0 Instantaneous voltage (U) in phase L3
T1, T2, T3, T4, = Active tariff (when meter has more than one tariff programmed)
MB = M-bus module installed (not normally used)
SD =Meter disconnect active (not normally fitted)
SQ = GSM signal quality OK
REG = Meter registered with mobile network OK
DRO = Meter download in progress
FF = Meter in ‘Fatal’ fault state
SET = Meter in normal operation mode.
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